Breakdown of website Admin Settings

Here is a breakdown of the Admin Settings located in your website's interface. Click Admin in the Admin Toolbar at the top of the page to locate and edit your site's Admin Settings.

Events & News settings

Here's a breakdown of Events & News settings for your eCatholic website.

  1. Subscribe to Events - Set to On to allow your visitors to download an .ics file and sync your site's events to another calendar. When “Subscribe to Events” is “on”, then a secondary field called “Add to Calendar Button” is visible below it.
  2. Post Events to Homepage - Set to All if you'd like events added to your site to be automatically tagged to appear on the homepage. (Events will only appear on the homepage if a Calendar/Events module has been published on the homepage.)
    1. Set to Only Administrators if you want to restrict the ability of your site's Authors and Publishers to tag events to appear on your homepage. 
  3. Display News Dates - Set to On if you'd like dates to appear with your site's news items.
  4. RSS for News - Set to On to allow your site's News modules to generate an RSS feed your visitors can use to follow recently added news items. 
  5. Auto-Post News to Homepage - Set to On if you'd like news added to your site to be automatically tagged to appear on the homepage. (News will only appear on the homepage if a News module has been published on the homepage.)
    1. Set to Only Administrators if you want to restrict the ability of your site's Authors and Publishers to tag news to appear on your homepage.
  6. Default News Archive Date - Select the default time interval at which you'd like your news items to be archived.
  7. News Comments - Set to On if you'd like to enable Disqus, which is a plugin that allows your site's visitors to be able to add blog-like comments to news items you've published using the News module.
  8. Disqus Shortname - Enter your Disqus Shortname to connect your Disqus site to your eCatholic website. Doing so will activate the News Comments feature described above. 

Browser Tab settings

Here's a breakdown of Browser Tab settings for your eCatholic website.

  1. Favicon - Upload an ICO file to display a favicon for your site. A favicon is just a tiny image that helps you establish your brand online.
  2. Site Title - Enter a Site Title to display in the browser tab of your visitors. This element also helps search engines identify your website.
  3. City, State - Enter your organization's city and state.
  4. Layout - Select a layout to determine the appearance of your site information in the browser tab.
  5. Separator - Select which icon should be used to separate the different elements of your site identifiers (i.e., Site Title, City, State).  

As you enter information, you may use the live Preview to see how your selections will affect the appearance of your site in the browser tab.

Google / <head> settings

Here's a breakdown of Google / <head> settings for your eCatholic website.

  1. Site Description - Enter 1-3 sentences to help search engines understand the content of your website.
  2. Google Analytics Code / <head> - Enter the full tracking code for your Google Analytics account (starting with <script> and ending with </script>, not just the UA-###... tracking ID) to send data from your website to your Google Analytics account.
  3. Additional <head> code field for Pages, Events, and News - Set to Only Administrators if you'd like to allow your site's Admins the ability to add HTML code to your site's pages, events, and news.
  4. Domain Verification - Meta Tag Code - Enter the Google Meta Tag Code to verify your domain when using Google Apps with your domain.

Integrations & Social settings

Here's a breakdown of Integrations & Social settings for your eCatholic website.

  1. eCatholic ChMS Integration - Set to On and click the green Save/Publish to integrate your eCatholic website and your eCatholic ChMS.
  2. eCatholic ChMS Integration Key - Use the generated integration key to complete the integration between your eCatholic website and eCatholic ChMS. This will allow any transactions made through your eCatholic website to appear in your ChMS account.
  3. Flocknote Integration - Set to On to integrate Flocknote with your eCatholic website.
  4. Flocknote ID - Enter your Flocknote ID to integrate your specific Flocknote account with your eCatholic website. This will allow you to easily place simple subscribe forms on your website, or automatically display your latest notes.
  5. Social Media Sharing - AddThis - Set to On to enable a series of Social Media Sharing icons that appear on your site's interior pages (i.e., all pages except the homepage). The Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and other Social Media Sharing icons allow visitors to easily click and share that particular page on their own social media platforms.
  6. Customize posts shared to Facebook - Set to On to enable the ability to customize what Facebook displays when anyone shares a page, event, or news article to Facebook.

Payments settings (eCatholic Payments only)

Refer to A breakdown of donor management settings to learn about the options located within the Payments settings.

Where do I edit my sacrament times? (parish websites only)

The ability to edit your Sacrament times has moved to a new tab. Now, you can add and edit your Mass, Confession and Adoration times under the Sacraments & MassTime™ tab (pictured below). Refer to the following help docs to lean how to:

  1. Add Mass Times
  2. Add Confession Times
  3. Add Adoration Times